Monday, February 28, 2011

Words can't express how grateful I am that so many of you gave. Thank you. God is moving through sacrifice. Wow. - randy tempest 4/4
eam can turn into with Gods blessing. So cool. If Delaney Burgess can make an impact and provide hope to Liberia, so can we. I see it. I am so humbled. 3/4
was 9, she raised money for an orphanage/school in Liberia. Six years later she saw around 70 kids in that home today. Amazing what one little girl's dr 2/4
Today was a day that I will never forget. That happens a lot around here. I had the honor to go with a 15 year old girl to see a vision of hers. When she 1/4

Sunday, February 27, 2011

nrovia Christian Church for a reception. We cannot blog pictures while in Liberia, so we'll have to supply play by play. 2/2
We made it! The team is now in Monrovia where we're staying. I can't express how poverty stricken it really is. It's overwhelming. We're headed to the Mo 1/2
We landed in Ghana safely. Everyone is doing well. We're taking off and heading towards Liberia.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Airplanes aren't made for some people. Sorry Big Dave!

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We made it to the Atlanta airport. Departure time is 7:25 and it's off to Liberia!

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The Brain Trust. Indy Airport.
We're at the Indy Airport getting ready to board. We go to Atlanta and head to Liberia at 7:20 tonight. We arrive in Monrovia 9:30 Sunday morning Indy time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me in Liberia. Wow! I can't believe that I'm going to be in Liberia in less than 5 days!

Jon B.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What awaits...

It's a week out, literally. In one week from almost this moment, the door on the plane will be closing and we'll have our team headed to Monrovia, Liberia. We'll be in Africa. For me, it's trip #3 in 3 years. Am I an expert? By no means. I do have an idea of what to expect, but what really awaits? I thought of that today as I was watching my boys play basketball. They are healthy, well fed, and hydrated. They have all they need. But in one short week, I will again see my friends in Liberia who simply don't have enough to meet their needs. One week.

So what awaits? I guess I don't know. I do know this: God is already there, and will also be traveling with us. He knows what is there, knows why we are going, and knows how He will change us. I can' wait to see what week....